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Secret | Crypto

107 words·1 min·
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CTF NAME: Secret

Point: 70
Category: Crypto
The Book of Secrets has secrets on every page.

Attachment: Text file. Link gist: Flag: CBCTF{y0u’r3_n0t_r3ady_f0r_my_n3xt_m0ve}

After I opened the file on Notepad I saw plaintext. Then, I immediately thought, there would be a Zero-Width Unicode Characters. So, I opened Unicode Steganography with Zero-Width Characters decoder to decode it.

Zero Width Unicode Character Decoder

Note: The hidden Bidirectional Unicode text can be viewed from Code Editors like Sublime Text, VS code, etc. I checked this text in the Sublime Text editor to view hidden characters.

Hidden Zero Width Unicode Character

Image: Hidden Zero Width Unicode Characters can be viewed from Sublime text.

Tool I used: