CTF NAME: Library #
Point: 50
Category: Web
Welcome to the virtual library, a treasure trove of knowledge where every search brings you closer to uncovering hidden gems. But not everything is as it seems. The search function is your key — type in the right words, and it might just lead you to something unexpected.
Hint: where you can read your books?
Flag: CBCTF{you_d1d_grea8_j0b}
This one was hard to think. And It’s completely out of the box and it’s beyond my imagination. I have struggled a lot with this one.
The webpage with just an input field.
I tried almost everything I knew about the input field like this. I even can’t solve it after the hint. I gave up and moved to another problem called forbidden, suddenly I remembered the word “table” because of the hint. Then I input the word and booooom I got the flag.