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Crack The Hash | Crypto

181 words·1 min·
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CTF NAME: Crack The Hash

Point: 120
Category: Crypto
It will help You —

A strange code has been discovered, left behind by an unknown entity. It holds a vital secret, but its true meaning is locked away. Can you solve the puzzle and reveal the hidden flag? The challenge awaits.


Flag: CBCTF{n0t_an0th3r_rAnd0m_ch4r4ct3r_p4ssw0rd}

On the webpage, there is a password input field.

Web page only with password Input field

Then I opened the page source. In the bottom there is a comment “<! — see ?debug for source →”

Page source of the web page

Then I added “/?debug” in the URL. And then I found a hash.

/?debug page

The hash is labeled with MD5.

Hash: 6be5628a3215ec5a19aaf6a853a3b385

A link to the wordlist is attached to the CTF description. I downloaded the wordlist and tried md5 decryption with John The Ripper.

At the start, I created a text file of the hash. John The Ripper required a Txt file.

creating a hash file using echo

And then I cracked the hash with John The Ripper.

craking using jhon the ripper

Command: john –format=raw-md5 –wordlist= hash.txt

The password is “52_mahfuj”. Then I input it into the password field. And I got the flag.

Exposed Flag