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Introduction to variables and scripting

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Introduction to Variables and Scripting

This section expands on using variables in Postman and introduces scripting for dynamic request behavior.

Variables in Postman (Continued)

Variables store reusable values, promoting DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principles and protecting sensitive data like API keys.

Variable Scopes

Postman variables have different scopes, affecting their accessibility:

  • Global: Accessible in all workspaces.
  • Collection: Accessible within a collection.
  • Environment: Accessible within an environment.
  • Data: Used with data files for running multiple iterations of a request.
  • Local: Specific to a single request or script.

Postman resolves variable values based on the narrowest available scope. This section focuses on collection variables.

Scripting in Postman

Postman scripts add dynamic behavior to collections. Scripts execute during two events:

  1. Pre-request Script: Runs before a request is sent.
  2. Post-request Script: Runs after a response is received.

This section focuses on post-request scripts.

The pm Object

The pm object provides access to Postman data, including the response body, variables, and utilities.

  • pm.response.json(): Accesses the JSON response body.
  • pm.collectionVariables.get("variableName"): Retrieves a collection variable’s value.
  • pm.collectionVariables.set("variableName", "variableValue"): Sets a collection variable.

Your First Script

This task introduces a simple post-request script.

  1. In the “add book” request, modify the book data in the “Body” tab.
  2. In the “Tests” tab, add the following JavaScript code:
  1. Save and send the request.

The response data will be logged to the Postman Console.

Postman Console
Expanded Console Object

Capturing the New Book ID

This task demonstrates setting a variable using a post-request script.

Setting and Getting Collection Variables

  • pm.collectionVariables.set("variableName", value): Sets a collection variable.
  • pm.collectionVariables.get("variableName"): Retrieves a collection variable.

Local Variables

JavaScript const (for constant values) or let (for variable values) keywords can be used to declare local variables within scripts.

Setting the New Book ID as a Variable

  1. In the “add book” request, modify the book data.
  2. In the “Tests” tab, replace the previous script with:
// Save the ID from the response
const id = pm.response.json().id;
// Store the ID as a collection variable
pm.collectionVariables.set("id", id);

Post-request Script

  1. Save and send the request.

The book’s ID from the response is now stored in the id collection variable. This can be verified in the collection’s “Variables” tab. This {{id}} variable can now be used in other requests within the collection.

Collection Variable “id”